Posts tagged “wild greens”

Delicious Dandelion Salad: Yours for the Picking (& Cleaning)

The Perfect Ready-to-Pick Dandelion



One o’clock, two o’clock, three o’clock, four o’clock chimes Dandelions don’t care about the time Dandelion don’t tell no lies Dandelion will make you wise

–Mick Jagger, Keith Richards

Dandelions are one of the world’s best wild edibles. Whether or not they make you wise, eating dandelions will make you happy because they taste so ...

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Alaska Forager’s Alert!

Devil's Club Leaf Bud

Foraging season in Anchorage, Alaska is underway. Dandelions and fireweed are ready to harvest and eat. Nettles are starting to emerge. Devil’s club buds are still too small for harvesting, but will likely be ready during the next week or so. In a normal year, spruce tips, sea lovage, and ...

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Celebrate Nowruz, Persian New Year’s Day, with Kookoo Sabzi

Happy Nowruz! Happy Persian New Year!

Nowruz, which translates as “New Day” or “New Light”, is the name given New Year’s Day in the Persian (Iranian) calendar. Nowruz has been celebrated for over 3000 years across the region that once made up the Persian Empire.

Before the Greeks, Romans, and Ottoman Turks ...

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Kale Glut? Make Easy Tart with Fancy Name

A few days ago we left Athens on a sunny 80°F day, warm enough to welcome airport air-conditioning. Thirty-six hours later, back in Anchorage, the sun still shone, but the temperature was only 40°F. A chill north wind cut through the lightweight clothing I’d donned on another continent.

When we arrived ...

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Eating Weeds: Bhutanese Refugees in Alaska Cook With Lamb’s Quarters

International Garden Booth

Lush baskets of greens lined the table: crumpled dark Lacinato kale, sweet golden-stalked Swiss chard, deep maroon piles of earthy red orach. The sign read, “Fresh International Gardens.”

“Good morning! Where’s your farm?” The answer to my standard market question was a surprise: “Mountain View.”

Mountain View, a densely populated neighborhood within ...

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How to Harvest and Use Edible Spruce Tips (or Pine Tips or Fir Tips)

Spruce Tips Ready to Pick

Spruce tips are one of the more unusual, least used, and tastiest wild edibles in Alaska. Over the last few weeks, I picked a bucketful and had a great time playing and experimenting with them.

(I used spruce tips because they grow in my yard. Pine tips and fir tips are ...

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