Posts tagged “lenten”

How to Prepare Cow Parsnip for Cooking and Eating

Immature Cow Parsnip Leaves & Stalks. Photograph by Laurie Constantino


After reading my recent cow parsnip article and cow parsnip salad recipe, Susan asked “In Janice Schofield’s book Discovering Wild Plants, she says to peel [cow parsnip] stems. I didn’t see that step in your blog post, so maybe that’s optional?

Good question Susan. Discovering Wild Plants is the best resource ...

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Laurie Constantino on TV: Salmon with Rosemary Honey

Salmon with Rosemary Honey on Television

Good Morning Alaska (GMAK) is ABC Alaska’s newest production. Eventually GMAK will be a stand-alone show. For now, it’s aired during Good Morning America. (Just before the hour and half-hour, GMAK runs 5 minute segments of local content.)

Today’s show is the first in a series of cooking segments I’ll be ...

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How to Steam Clams, Plain or with Greek Gigantes Beans

Clams and Beans in Buttery Wine Broth

Gigantes, giant white beans, are a Greek specialty bean. I recently explained that gigantes are related to scarlet runner beans and are a PGI product of Greece. In the European Union, a PGI designation identifies foods grown in unique regions that have special qualities and characteristics. I also gave my ...

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Gigantes (Giant Beans) Cure Homesickness for Greece

Gigantes (Greek Giant White Beans) in Tomato Sauce

Birds singing, doves cooing, roosters crowing, cats meowing, dogs barking, engines revving, women chattering: the morning sounds of a Greek village.

When we’re in Atsiki on the island of Limnos, Greece, I treasure my last few minutes in bed listening to the village come alive. I force myself to get up ...

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Blog of the Week: Organically Cooked, Hania, Crete

Boureki Haniotiko (Zucchini and Tomato Gratin)

Blog of the Week:  Organically Cooked

Writer: Maria Verivaki

Where: Hania, Crete, Greece

What: Maria was born and raised in New Zealand, and as an adult moved to Crete, an island in Greece where her parents emigrated from long ago.  Affectionately known as “the Mediterranean Kiwi”, Maria is thankful she returned to her ...

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Traditional Persian Recipes Made Easy

Roshi and Ranna Fekrat

If you want more friends, start cooking. I’ve met most of my favorite people though a shared love of good food, good wine, and good parties.

Homemade food soothes the soul and makes people happy. Cooks need never be lonely. They rely on friends to eat the delicious food pouring from ...

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