Alaska Food

Bear Tooth Grill’s Prize Winning Salmon with Spicy-Sweet Chile Glaze

In June, four of Alaska’s best chefs met at a salmon cook-off. The winning dish? Grilled Salmon with Ancho Honey Porter Glaze created by Clayton Jones, Executive Chef of Anchorage’s Bear Tooth Grill.

During the June cook-off, I watched tasters finish their portions and immediately get back in line for seconds ...

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Eating Weeds: Bhutanese Refugees in Alaska Cook With Lamb’s Quarters

International Garden Booth

Lush baskets of greens lined the table: crumpled dark Lacinato kale, sweet golden-stalked Swiss chard, deep maroon piles of earthy red orach. The sign read, “Fresh International Gardens.”

“Good morning! Where’s your farm?” The answer to my standard market question was a surprise: “Mountain View.”

Mountain View, a densely populated neighborhood within ...

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Recipe for Squash Blossom Frittata

Flemish Peony Poppy

Haul from Wednesday’s Farmers’ Market: parsley, dill, Swiss chard, beets, spinach, broccoli, orach, zucchini, squash blossoms, cucumbers, tomatoes

Farmers’ market season is upon us. Stalls are bursting with fresh greens and herbs. Early broccoli and zucchini are spottily available. The first bunches of baby carrots appeared today.

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Easy, Great Tasting Burger Using Frozen Salmon

Asian Salmon Burgers with Cilantro Edamame Spread

Although it snowed yesterday, spring is almost upon us. The primroses are coming up, and it’s time to finish eating last season’s frozen fish. We need freezer space for the fresh catch that will soon start arriving.

A couple nights ago I made Asian Salmon Burgers with Lime, Cilantro and Edamame ...

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Romanesco Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Brussels Sprouts with Mustard-Caper Butter

Romanesco Broccoli, Cauliflower & Brussels Sprouts with Mustard Butter

Assuming the weather holds, there are two more Saturday Farmers’ Markets this year in Anchorage: October 10 and October 17. Last week the tables were well-stocked with a wide array of vegetables; our purchases included lime-green Romanesco broccoli, yellow cauliflower, and a fresh-cut stalk of Brussels sprouts.

These vegetables, combined with ...

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Beautiful and Delicious Christmas Lima Beans

Christmas Lima Beans

Christmas lima beans, with speckled, swirled coats of maroon and cream, are one of the world’s most beautiful dried beans. When properly cooked, their texture is firm and their taste nutty.

Christmas limas are a perfect foil for strong, spicy flavors and are robust enough to serve on their own as ...

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